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Your Season Newsletter 19

Success leads to harder challenges


Teresa Wojcik

Published on

August 20, 2024

Hi there!

It's already Thursday again! This week is a lot of manual work with spreadsheets and Xero. I turned up to a meeting with AusIndustry a week early, and I have caught a start-of-term lurgy, which is slowing me down.

The Female Founders: Tradeshow Edition last week was a hit! Photos Courtesy of CBRIN, Photo Credit: Mude


I have been trying to work out for a while all the pieces needed to link affiliates from various hubs. Often, you can download their entire catalogue, but then there are affiliate links to be generated, sometimes multiple programs are involved... I've been quite overwhelmed with the task. And this bit is really important for scaling the business. But I think I've got it now.

I had a meeting with everyone this Tuesday evening (8 pm AEST time, since we're over 3 continents right now), and I showed the team various Product Catalogs I had downloaded from several hubs. They should theoretically have all the information in them from the Suppliers about the available items. Matt's comment? "Unusable". They need to be in a completely different format, which involves cutting and pasting THOUSANDS of items over into a new spreadsheet. Manually.

Of course, I could pay someone else to do it. We might even be able to create a bot, eventually. But what does paying someone else and creating a bot have in common that Teresa doesn't? Money....

So, if you need me, I will probably be working on my spreadsheet.


I had some early help with Xero last year from Harry Hoang and his employees. I was supposed to set up my Xero account for Your Season months ago now. And it's just one of those jobs that I haven't been able to get myself to sit down and do.

For some reason, I have found the whole task overwhelming. It is necessary, to be able to show all the financial progress legally, and is an excellent program to track receipts/invoices/etc. And I already use Xero (in a limited way) for my teaching.

This should make the transition easy, right? Um, maybe, but you could have fooled me!

So, I was talking to my accountability partner last week, Dani, and she said why not ask someone to help? Of course, by this point, it was practically like a punishment to even think about Xero. And I felt like I SHOULD be able to do it. It shouldn’t be that hard - and it isn’t. Also, it's not like I have lots of spare funds to pay for things. But since this job had become psychological, I agreed to get some help.

Lucy Pedley walked me through setting up my Your Season account yesterday, with all the bank feeds, and appropriate codes, and set up all the connected programs and walked me through some transactions. I was quite ill yesterday (you know it's bad when someone keeps mentioning that you are unwell) with a cold that has just hit my sinuses, but I am so grateful for her help and patience.

I am feeling a bit better about it today (both the cold and Xero).


Sarah McGoram has decided not to accept the free colour analysis prize!! It turns out that she had her colours done last year - with Fiona!! What a coincidence!

So, I drew the prize for the THIRD time, and the winner was CANDACE RHIND!

I have already told her and she has accepted, so this should be the last time I have to draw in this competition.

I am so pleased for Candace. She has been so supportive of me and Your Season, ever since the first day when she showed me around the CBRIN co-working space. I can't wait to hear how her colour appointment goes!

Thanks for reading along! If you can think of anyone who would be interested in joining me on this journey, please invite them to subscribe to the newsletter here.

Talk soon!


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