Pitch for the Griffin Trust completed
Hi there!
My goodness, what a fortnight! I have officially pitched for the Griffin Trust - results are still pending! - have been preparing to pitch and run a trade stall at the Innovation Showcase, had the (official) end of the Griffin Accelerator programme, and have really ramped up marketing.
It was a mammoth effort preparing my 5-minute pitch for the Griffin Trust on the 27th of November. I ran the pitch past at least 8 different people for feedback, which was an extremely valuable practice alone! Many mentors pitched in, and I was lucky enough to have Dr. Chaturica Athukorala give me her feedback, too.
The pitch itself went pretty well, I think, but there were no answers on the day. We should be finding out the results within the next few days, and I am absolutely on tenterhooks! During the programme, we have been encouraged to explore the realities of growing our businesses and what we might need. We have been asked to pitch for what we think we will need. But whether we get it or not - remains to be seen.
If this pitching round isn't successful for Your Season, I have several back-up plans for filling the gap. I'm sure I will be able to tell you more next week. Fingers crossed!!
I mentioned a few weeks ago, that I had brought on Tanja Uzarevic-Colton for marketing. She has been doing an absolutely stellar job getting everything ready for the Innovation Showcase TOMORROW, Wednesday 6th December.
She has taken some time to really understand the business, and has just started the first online marketing push, too. It is so exciting to see my ideas and plans for the business executed in such a quality manner!
Depending on how confident/dramatic you are, start with one colour. To keep an outfit focused and unified, add up to two other colours. More than three runs the risk of feeling scattered.
Don't forget to head over to yourseason.co and check out the items available there!
If you can think of anyone who would be interested in joining me on this journey, please invite them to subscribe to the newsletter here.
Talk soon!